I love the fact that the very same person has stated all these things:
  1. “Our greatest asset is the one we distrust the most.”
  2. “Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty.”
  3. “Freedom is always associated with risk taking, whether it leads to it or comes from it“
  4. “A loser is someone who, after making a mistake, doesn’t introspect, doesn’t exploit it, feels embarrassed and defensive rather than enriched with a new piece of information, and tries to explain why he made the mistake rather than moving on.”
  5. “The true value of Bitcoin is no higher than zero.”
Nassim Taleb aka. a living & breathing antonym for “stay humble”
Number 4 is really something...
All I can say is that bitcoin exposes to us the truth about others and ourselves. Seen it in myself and others.
Amen. Couldn’t agree more.
A good lesson in how easy it is to get high on your own supply. Universally applicable.
Wow, you know I missed the Taleb hype. I recently started reading Anti-fragile after years of having it on my reading list. Its hard to read knowing how he has reacted to bitcoin. He is something for sure. Hard for me to take people like him seriously. We can learn from arrogant fools though. I know he's not dumb. Clearly he's not. But he seems like a fool to me.
He is sadly everything that’s wrong with this time. Such an intelligent mind, such a student of history and a talented novel writer. But so often they are either captured by a) the system, b) the riches and/or c) their ego.
The worst thing is he has done 99% of the work and he now can’t let his egghead accept that he missed it all those years ago. He could be the last one on the Titanic and he still wouldn’t accept our hand to step onto the lifeboat.
However I still thank him for his service. His books are exceptional.
I wish someone like Robert Breedlove would debate him with his own quotes. It might be the only way he stops resisting. We need authors like him in Bitcoin.
Seems like ego to me but I'm no expert on his work or his personality. That's just my gut reaction to reading his anti-bitcoin stuff and realizing he had a falling out with Saifedean. When I first read "The Bitcoin Standard" I couldn't believe that he wrote the foreward. First because I had no idea he even was a bitcoiner (Now I don't think he ever got it) and secondly because he was so wrong about it in the forward. Later I learned what happened with that.