Should Bitcoiners In The US Comply Or Should They Move To El Salvador Or other Bitcoin Friendly Countries? I think they should just move or start plan on moving where they treat them best.
You could drive a truck through the excluded middle of those choices.
I'm as big of an advocate for voting with your feet as anyone, but there are so many other differences between the US and El Salvador. Within the US there are big differences in how states protect Bitcoin, so there may be good options that aren't as personally disruptive.
Why isn't staying and not complying one of the options? People are illegally using Bitcoin all over the world. Americans can follow their lead, if it comes to that.
Moving to friendly states is even a smarter move to because you can still work on your domain and have a relatively stable income, that's in my opinion I could be wrong
I moved to a less insane state. It's a lot easier and acceptable to family than switching countries would be. And life really is better, people are much more sociable, and the recovery from the covid lockdowns started happening much sooner. My only regret is that I didn't move years ago. It's really a frog boiling thing, you don't realize how bad it is, because it happens so slowly.
True it's good to move, I moved 5 years ago my problem was the city was getting way to crazy expwnsive and way too woke
I've been encouraging Americans to move to better states for a long time. There's enormous geographical variance in cost of living, taxes, weather, and everything else.
That's a great point
I do agree with the general sentiment that people should think more about where they live. There are huge potential gains from moving to a more suitable jurisdiction.
Good point, specially if you have a Bitcoin business and you are looking for stability. Is that right?
I don't think there's anything special about Bitcoin, in this context. All kinds of lifestyle choices are more or less suitable in different places.
Bitcoiners in the US should fight.
Everyone good leaving is how you end up with failed states.
So you think if they should stay and fight the state? I think that's a waste of energy and time. The founders of the US didn't stay and in europe in the hope of winning so why would it be a good idea today?
The founders of the US had a unique opportunity to found a new nation that doesn't exist today. And when the British attacked them, they didn't flee: they stayed and fought the state.
If US Bitcoiners give up on making societal change then it will only result in the downfall of the fiat system taking everyone there down with them. US Bitcoiners should keep safehavens as an option, but focus on convincing people in the US to fight for liberty at home
The fiat system will fall no matter what Bitcoiners do, everyone in fiat is a future bitcoiner
Move to Red states
El Salvador is the new haven for Bitcoiners so away we go
Bullish on Javier Millei winning in Argentina and making it option #2
Its all about tradeoffs. Some will stay and fight, some will stay and pick their fights, others will vote with their feet. There is no one answer.
Stay, do not comply, learn to use corn privately and directly. And ultimately be ready to execute jurisdictional arbitrage. It was made for both scenarios and certainly wasnt made to comply to local government edicts.
Rumor has it there is an etf coming to satisfy people's compliance needs....
Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Men generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it is the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than the evil. It makes it worse. Why is it not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform? Why does it not cherish its wise minority? Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt? Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them? Why does it always crucify Christ, and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels?
Good point, thank you! The people talk about the unjustice the better prepared we will all be
Would you live in El Salvador if bitcoin weren't part of the equation?
I think bitcoiners should focus on a) securing as many residencies/passports to keep their options open; b) building parallel structures in bitcoin-friendly jurisdictions
Stay and fight for your rights. Like others have said, the best option to take advantage of the "best of both worlds" is to move to a state that is more liberty-oriented and at the very minimum open to BTC as part of the local economy.
They should comply. And help others in their society towards bitcoin adoption.
I'm not in the US but my take is that you should stay. Rights to free speech & protect yourselves with guns is super rare. Where else can you do that?
Still if you can get dual citizenship why not keep both options on the table.
Good point, keep your options open
Move from blue states to red states
I see a lot of them moving and this can make help make policies that would allow them to live in the U.S or at least fast forward compliance
Ok, so them moving makes it worse or better? I think it's going to happen either way. The state will get more and more desprate and even angrier
At least Bitcoin users will be off their radar
contingency plans are always a good idea. but seems like the trajectory from here can go in a number of different directions, so uprooting to another country is a bold bet. i like the friendly state idea, which is my contingency plan.
I think it's going to happen either way. The state will get more and more desprate and even angrier at the individual not just the Bitcoiners, but the only thing they can do is proctect themselves by voting with their money, their feet. They cannot break the rules and they shouldn't in my opinion but they can move to diferent states or countries
Moving to Bitcoin friendly states is even a smarter idea too because you can still work on your domain, maintain a relatively stable income and no need to speak another language that could be hard for some people at first. Those are just my opinion ofcourse and I could be totally wrong.