I would like to see a simple mobile app where...
The camper:
  • book the place, before arrival
  • pay with BTC/LN straight from the app (some kind of linking a LNURL from the owner)
  • get a special QR code to be displayed at the entrance and will open the barrier. Also the same code can be used any time the camper want to exist from the parking during the stay and enter again when is needed.
  • pay extra services on-site or included in the main booking
  • for those who still want to pay in fiat, to have option to pay with CC
The owner:
  • list his parking in the app, with photos, details, tel number etc
  • link his LNURL/LN address/onchain if he wants to receive directly into his wallets
  • optional custodial service offered by the app but that is another story
  • for payments in fiat, to have option to choose: receive in BTC (instant conversion) or in fiat (to a bank account)
  • check the campers status in app
This looks like something I'd love to get involved with!
I'm not just an app developer; I also own land available for parking spots!
Let me know if you need any help.
Such app will be more useful than a SN app 😂
Absolutely 😂
Ahh, pues ya nos diras por donde tienes el terreno !! Pago en btc :)
For sure!
It's in a small town near (50KM) São Paulo, Brazil!
minino.. Isso fica mais longe do que esperava :) Pensava que estavas em espanha. Tenho brasil pendente, mas nao em carrinha..
Sounds pretty much complete,
with an app cloner you can use the whole parking4nigth structure,
Payment part is missing but the rest is prety much done
Oof that'd be awesome! Would actually be front-running any fiat-apps (that currently are shitty to say the least), to do all that, and it'd be a really good solution for both campers and owners! Sending forces to do that and keep us posted, maybe we could offer some help in the development of the project!