Seems like AI using bitcoin for automated payments is going to be a big deal, do you have any insight there? What would that world look like - why will AI be paying each other for stuff and why use bitcoin instead of fiat??? (I have my own answers to this but would love an insider perspective!)
I actually have a contrarian viewpoint on this. I think it will take a while for this to really happen at scale, because all of the current accounting system (especially with the big companies) is denominated in USD.
Doing machine to machine payments in sats will create an accounting nightmare for them - especially in the near term.
But...that doesn't mean we're not going there. We are for sure.
I just think it's going to take alot longer than what some of us Bitcoiners think..
In terms of what the world looks like.. Probably largely similar.
As I said to someone earlier - AI is a tool, like a computer. It exists to automate away some tasks and if use properly, create leverage for the user.
If you can further automate some of that leverage (by having the machine execute some economic tasks) you can increase the leverage, and ideally do more with less.
It's the been the same store with automation, tools and technology since the beginning of time