Imagine a world where the world revolves around blocktime...
We are now using BT (BlockTime) and BB (Before Bitcoin).
It's seen as far more efficient than insanely intricate and ever-changing time zones worldwide.
- What type of knock-on effects would we see?
- Would we need an intermediary unit of time, between block-counts?
- Would our time preference change (to the nearest 10 minutes)?
- In an inter-planetary future, what is required?
- If Bitcoin really is as transformational as we envisage, what would you rate the chances of us adopting this new measure of time? *Now we have our unit of account working for us, is our unit of time even working for us anymore?
Note: Currently, BC (Before Christ), AD (Anno Domini) are predominant usages for years, with CE (Common Era) and BCE (Before Common Era) as alternatives. Add to the mix 12 hour clocks, 24 hour variations, time zones, computer time stamps, leap years, clocks going backwards, clocks going forwards, 'bank holidays', border changes etc. This led me to wishing to explore the concept of time deeper with you all.