yeah, lol but you dont have to congratulate them on something you don't believe in, unless you also believe in it or think it is a good thing.
Probably not a good analogy, but in the military, I believe they say "you salute the rank, not the person". At least I heard that in a show once, lol
regarding Udi, when people reveal to you and to the world, to be pieces of shit, believe them! :) they are likely to repeat their actions in the future, lol :)
Maybe I don't know enough about Udi (I probably don't)
Maybe I give people too much benefit of the (remaining) doubts.
I think Udi is not an enemy of bitcoin, at least in his own mind he isn't but just trying to find all use cases of bitcoin, how dumb they might be.
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Which was screenshot and cropped from a YouTube video which was stolen from probably Reddit and so on and so forth lmao