And the same goes for the vax stuff. Do you even know who Espert is and what his involvement with La Libertad Avanza is? Please don't regurgitate cheap articles you see on the Internet. Milei said he chose to take the vax, for those stupid reasons I agree, but he also said it should not be mandated.
I don't even follow my birth country's politics, so no way I am going to follow Argentinian politics in depth. I see what you meant with nuance if that is the case. I am not regurgitating anything; simply I am extremely skeptic and distrustful of politicians. Still, it looks like Milei is trapped in the materialistic mindset: per the article, he said "I believe in science" (I thought that science was about verifying independently, not 'believing', as in "don't trust, verify"). I prefer to control my destiny and try to accept what I cannot control.
There are going to be severe forces against him. We'll see. The problem is not that there is bad national government, but that nation-state government exists at all.
The problem is not that there is bad national government, but that nation-state government exists at all.
Agree, but for now we have to deal with what we've got.
I don't care too much about what he personally thinks ("I believe in science", whatever), I only care he doesn't push forced mandates. Fwiw he was very vocal against lockdowns and he even wrote a book called "Pandenomics"
As you say we'll see what happens but I'm fucking glad the pro-globalist leftard kirchneristas are finished.
watch out... because science has been proved corrupted and wrong too