I'm starting to journal again. It's nice. Good paper and a fountain pen just feels different.
Nothing like writing on good paper with a fountain pen
I prefer to use the saloon as my journaling medium. Much more rewarding compared to conventional methods.
So you're ok with exposing your inner dialogue here? I guess it works, but for me, it's a lot about no filter and no worries of any judgement. Wouldn't be able to shake that off of me here.
That's pretty fancy. I admire your patience. I got a fountain pen as a gift a long, long time ago. I still have it, but actually using it drove me crazy.
Hehe, maybe you got a more advanced pen than me, or you have a different way of writing. I got myself a Lamy al star, built like a tank and will outlive me, writes easily.
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Yes, the feeling, the process and the break from a digital lifestyle does a lot for me.
I've tried it digitally but it just does not pack the same punch.
And the interruptions on your phone / computer interrupt the flow. I would rather have those 15 minutes in my own world and with my own thoughts and reflections.