I thought that the liquidity seller can't force-close the channel before the lease ends? Have I misunderstood something? And the liquidity buyer can force close the channel at any point, completely skipping the CLTV restriction.
CLTV is only about lock the funds until a certain block in case of a force close. But that do not enforce to keep the channel open.
Doesn't the CLTV only lock the funds of the liquidity seller, but not the funds of the buyer, in case the seller force-closes the channel? And if the buyer force-closes, both the seller and the buyer get their funds back near-instantly, after the dispute period, right?
That channel will move funds from one side to another, meanwhile is doing routing. So in case of a force close or cooperative close, each side will get his funds that had in the moment of closure on his side.
The funds are locked until the grace period is reached, for both parties, not just one.
Ah. Sorry, I wasn't sure how it worked exactly. Thx for explaining it! I wonder why the funds are locked at all in case of a cooperative close, and why they are locked for the buyer too in case of a forced close.