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It seems to act up only if you're logged in.
I'm logged in to YouTube; I use uBlock Origin; and YouTube has never stopped me from watching videos. I just have to assume that uBlock Origin is blocking ads in a way that YouTube either can't detect or can't stop -- a way that other ad-blockers haven't caught onto.
I said "seems" because I never seen it since I use invidious instances, my mother had it though, with ublock origin too.
For each video a count down pop said it would stop working for that account if the adblock wasn't disabled.
This is actually great.
I've always been a bit torn on ad blockers.
  1. Personally I don't have a problem paying for YouTube premium but I understand it's not for everyone.
  2. I think YouTubers deserve to get paid.
  3. I also think businesses should be able to advertise their products.
  4. But at the same time, I hate being forced to watch ads for crap I'm not interested in.
  5. I also support the entrepreneur solving these pains points for people
So it's a really interesting solution. Speeding up the ads removes the most annoying side of advertising without completely destroying the business model.
Here's an interesting thought experiment...
Would you be in favour of a value for value pay with sats model for YouTube?
This link was posted by znpy 26 minutes ago on HN. It received 42 points and 8 comments.