is there even an apk available for it? don't see one on their website
Which part you do not understand from "closed source" ? You cannot install WoS WITHOUT a play store. That means is full of trackers from google and apple
When people will wake the fuck up and install only open source software?
An app doesn't need to be open source to have the apk available somewhere. The more unsolvable issue is it being custodial.
This is why I’m on SN, you guys do such a great job digging into the specs and saving the rest of us! Thanks a ton of sats!
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Not only that is closed source, but IT IS REQUIRED to have installed google service in order to be able to use that shit app. In the guide about wallets I specified for which app is required or not. So user will know what to download.
I see people using de-googled Graphene or Calyx and then go to install Aurora to be able to install WoS. LOL So you go back to google shit services just for downloading a tracking app.
Why do you bother to de-google your phone if go back to the same shit?