I've been disillusioned lately with my work, which sucks because when I started this position not long ago I was very excited about it. I hope things turn around, but as it is my goal is to finish my apprenticeship in the next few months and start assessing my circumstances and aspirations. I want to go to Brazil next year and visit my cousins, as I haven't gone in nearly three years and it's been even longer since seeing some of my family. More domestically, however, things go splendidly with the local bitcoin community, We have a leased physical space for organizing and activating. I expect amazing things to come out of it over the next year and in the years to come. I don't know if or how I can combine my professional life, bitcoin, and my passion for community building, but next year would be a great time to find out.
Sorry to hear about your work dissatisfaction. I remember you talking about your job and I had the sense that it was a satisfying occupation. You seemed to really like it. Good luck with your next move.
I'm the only person in my department, but recall I'm relatively new to the industry, so some supervision sometimes would be helpful. I feel mismanaged. I still like the job more generally, and hope that things change in short order. A month and a half ago I was overwhelmed with work, and that was better than now where I feel like I have little to do, despite the yard being full of superyachts.
I think the best management is no management.
If only I were so lucky. (Maybe next year)
It happens to the best of us.
Maybe you can time your visit next year with a Bitcoin meetup or event. I’d be up for a hop across the border if there was something focused and productive. A hackathon of sorts. Might be just what you need.
Do you mind me asking, which type of apprenticeship are you doing?
I don't mind your asking. I've written about my work here in the past. I'm in a Yacht Service Technician program, and I work as a yacht electrician. I expect to attend several meetups while in Brazil.
Thats awesome and fascinating! Will check-out some of your posts