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Does anyone else find it a bit weird that the best phone to degoogle is a google phone? A bit sus, isn't it?
When open source hardware phone?
I use an old Redmi and Lineage OS. Works great.
Fairphones are a thing, but only CalyxOS is officially supported due to various security issues that Graphene refuses to compromise on (and rightly so).
A modular, pro-repair phone with timely software and security updates would be a nice second option for Android users.
It's a funny thing haha, bragging to people about how private and degoogled your phone is and then pulling out a device that has a big Google sign on it. I'm on CalyxOs by the way, a fork of Graphene I believe. Installation was a breeze btw, did it on several phones now, your grandma can do it.
GrapheneOS aims to create a secure and private system.
Google Pixel phones have stronger hardware security than any other Android devices currently on the market.
Adding devices that don't support privacy and security basics would undermine the project.
Great writeup. Thanks for posting. One question: You refer to using your banking apps. You seem to indicate that they operate without google services. That's contrary to what I have been told. Can you mention one or two banks, or would you prefer not to reveal that? Perhaps just provide a region where these banks are located?
In the US, Capital One and Schwab's apps work well without Google Play services.
However, Capital One's app requires permission to access phone calls/SIM information (not good for privacy), but it seems that this would still be the case on regular Android:
I run 4 banking apps on CalyxOS (very similar to Graphene) all work well. But none of them are US banks.
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Thanks. That explains it.
Plus, you'll be pleased to know that although some apps might display a pop-up that says it needs 'Google Play Services', even offering a link to download it, when this message is dismissed the [non-banking] apps that I've used still work fine.
My device is rooted BTW and unless this is hidden from banking apps, I'd imagine they wouldn't work.
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Thanks. I'll read this.
Fwiw, you can also self host calendars and reminders on nextcloud so you don't need to use Proton. It's very easy and has been flawless for me
Sure. I used Nextcloud Calendar in the past. But the UI/UX is not great in my opinion (as of right now), that's why i switched to Proton Calendar.
Use DAVx with any CalDav service (also self hosted) and your preferred calendar app. I'm testing SimpleCalendar and it's not bad.
Oh, I don't use nextcloud's interface for the calendar at all. I just use the built in calendar apps depending on the OS, and Etar on graphene. Nextcloud is just where the data is stored
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Nice review, thanks for sharing!
through Aurora Store, while not ideal it's still more private than Google App Store.
I would pay attention on that, I want to highlight what you probably already point out with "not ideal". It is true that Aurora Store, acting as a proxy, adds more distance to Google, but this does not automatically mean more privacy. In fact it enlarges the attack surface, adding a chain element, and this could lead to security problems, for example if it was targeted with a man-in-the-middle attack.
Probably the sandboxed Google Services/Play Store under a persistent VPN is a better solution. Maybe it helps also clearing their cache routinely to purge any saved data (could this be a nice GrapheneOS feature?).
You may consider using a second, inexpensive Android phone dedicated solely to operating the Onewheel app in order to maintain operational integrity on your main device.
Acquire a budget Android phone. This device doesn't need to be high-end; its primary function will be to run the Onewheel app. If you want to splurge a bit, you could find one that supports GrapheneOS and install that.
Your secondary device will need internet access to download the app and receive updates. To avoid using a separate data plan or compromising the privacy of your main device, you can tether. Don't use it otherwise.
Ive been a happy user for 1 year now
Why Obtainium over F-Droid?
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F-Droid do seem to do some curating though..? But yeah, if you know which apps you want & trust, switch to a slimmer middle-man (Obtanium).
For those interested in the curation angle of F-droid.
There's quite a few reasons why apps in F-droid's repo can be seen as curated - other thsn needing to be FOSS, F-droid has some requirements - it doesn't allow apps that:
  • use Google’s proprietary “Play Services”.
  • use proprietary tracking/analytic dependencies
  • use proprietary ad libraries.
  • requiring Non-Free build tools, including Oracle’s JDK or some pre-release toolchains.
There's a max app size limit too.
Obviously the main reason for the choices to be smaller is that the team's work and the repository would be massive if all Android apps on all the git sites were automatically included.
Devs can submit an inclusion request if their app hasn't already been included/discovered already.
There are unofficial repositories with less strict policies such as that do perform some security checks.
As far as i know, anyone can create a F-Droid repository of apps, you are not forced to use the default one.
its black friday so its good time to try and a get GrapheneOS compatible phone on sale
Good point!! If you could pay in cash in person even better, its a privacy device after all.
Android from most of the manufacures are just full of garbage bloatware. Use GrapheneOS (with all the pain points it has) and you'll be happy 😁
Android from most of the manufacures are just full of garbage bloatware.
So true, my last phone (Samsung) had Facebook and big tech garbage pre-installed, and the OS disabled the option to unistall them. I had no control over my own device.
Nice write-up, glad you’re sticking with.
I know there are some comprehensive lists out there and on this site too, but do you have your preferred apps?
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Try OpenCamera, loads of settings! I'm sure that you might also be able to find .xml files to guarantee the best quality for your pixel.
I will try it out. Thanks.
Uhm I don't see any Nostr app 😅
I use Snort webapp ☺️
Vanadium over brave? Brave doesn't give me.much BAT but anything I can get for free to convert to sats is a win.
I refuse to use any app/service that promotes shitcoin.
Nice write up @Onions I haven't yet made the switch over to graphene OS as I used to have a Huawei p40 (the first one on harmony OS with no Google at all) and it was just so difficult to use for a lot of things I use daily. ESPNs fantasy app required Google, Pokémon Go, required Google and that's only two that I'd use every day. Perhaps I try graphene eventually, i have been meaning to, and your right up was very thorough.
Thanks for the write up. I'm getting a Graphene 'powered' phone too because of the good reviews, such as your own and Siggy's.
I'm also looking forward to getting a phone which is supported by Graphene [Pixel] as they are able to shoot photos in RAW.
Excellent article. It is necessary to recognize that they study a lot to make this type of articles and inform us. My respects
I appreciate this recommendation but Google and Apple wins in user experience IMO
It's a trade of in most of the case... at the end, depend on your own values.
Fantastic! post! Thanks for doing this - takes effort to practically move to sovereign way of being - many thanks to the GrapheneOS AND Start0S teams
You can also use so called "work profile" which does not need to switch user account which is not very comfortable. In work profile (using Shelter), you can activate google services separately. It can use its own separate VPN as well.
There is a catch, if you need to use eSIM, you have to use google services on the primary profile, as far as I know, there is no other way. I keep it installed however disabled.
It can use its own separate VPN as well
This is a really interesting point.
I'm waiting the day when we can pipe more VPNs and configure them per app basis.
Yesterday i was looking at Portmaster website and they mentioned something like that (i think it was called SPN), you may want to take a look.
I am recently onboard GrapheneOS as well. Thanks for this write-up! I also onewheel around and use an iPad for all my walled-garden apps.
I will have to switch to GrapheneOS soon as I will need some good amount of money doing so