What do you think?
Think it's def a much needed project, if done well. Like you suggest, I think the idea to have crowdsourced content like AlternativeTo would be a way. Not sure how the mechanics could work, but seems they implimented things really well. Many of the git-based repo lists seem to be the most specialized/well-curated, and maybe an amboss.space like lightning based approach could also work, with a group of git maintainers?
My idea for direction would be to keep things simple and based on base layer + LN. If new relevant areas/layers would become relevant, like Taro, that would be future development area.The structure would be simple(ish) from there.
Maybe if it were to source talent from SN, the forum itself would be a natural partnership? (Often feel that some of these great resources such as SN or microlancer would benefit further through better integration with each other.)
https://docs.lightning.engineering/community-resources/resource-list seems to be a go to for LND. Something more all-encompassing isstill needed, as a global bitcoin resource. Though that will take time.
http://bitcoin.directory shows that 1-2 years inactive maintenance makes it so much less relevant. Eg. How could you have a list of explorers that wouldn't have either mempool.space or blockchair.com ?
Not sure what TLDs would work. Just thought of satoshi.space
.. already registered! :/