Thank you!
Personally I've been dissatisfied with the state of Lightning wallets for a long time and I think now it's just a few bug fixes away from being my daily driver.
I started the original ShockWallet in 2018, was first one to have LNURL in it etc... but everyone else in Lightning was doing the same, so I pivoted the team to focus on Video infrastructure.
The original ShockWallet used a predecessor to Nostr (some of you might remember GUN). We intended it to be a decentralized WeChat kind of thing, and had been building Video support anyway. To sustain the project, we needed to narrow our focus and had leading technology in Video.
But since we got away from Wallet, the state of LN wallets hasn't improved, they have in many cases gotten worse by pivoting to node-on-phone. I think this has been a huge mistake, and it's been a headwind for the Video site.
I hope if nothing else this release starts to push the narrative back to remote nodes, shows that Lightning actually works and is fucking awesome, and that the concept of Nostr as an overlay network unlocks new UX possibilities.
The incentive structure around it too should hopefully onboard lots of new users, via their Uncle Jim, in a decentralized way.
I'm absolutely jacked to the NIPS that this release will usher in a Lightning renaissance.