The Core of Fiat is black box central bank custodians. -then we get slightly better (not much) as we abstract the layers, personal debt rates, interest bonds, ACH, digital cash apps, cash.
With Bitcoin the Core is totally secure and auditable. -then we progress through abstraction very far up to the “ACH” and even the Cash levels with the same security and sovereignty. At the edges we might have a few grey boxes, but competition will drive improvement.
Our money system is completely inverted/flipped around by peer to peer digital cash. Or you can say it’s been untwisted from fiat.
I don’t think federations or custodians are a problem. If there were no option other than using their services- like if we were giving up on lightning- then that would be the issue.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good!
And also you can’t comply your way out of tyranny