As the chorus of Aeschylus sang in ancient theater to describe the fate of mankind: "Act - suffer - learn" - Germany finds itself between phases two and three when looking at the political chaos caused by the green-socialist agenda.
The collision with reality is now being followed by a panic-stricken reversal of course: employers' president Rainer Dulger is calling for the abolition of climate targets and sees considerable dangers for Germany as a business location in view of the crash course of economic policy.
It is sad that this realization has only matured after massive capital withdrawal and progressive de-industrialization in Germany. The first measure must be to reconnect nuclear power to the grid and promote it. The dismantling of the interventionist state with its usurious bureaucracy must be the guiding principle of the upcoming regulatory turnaround. Tackle it!
Wen disintegration of EU? I want to see it burning
Tranquilo! The commies doing their best. It takes some time to destroy the european middle class. But they're doing a good job so far
You're right, there is certainly a lot of concern being expressed. (The decision to run down nuclear power was pure ideology predicated on the absurd belief imported power would always be cheap). But a lot of Europeans support the green lobby, it's just a fact of life. My worry is they just double down on it. It's their call in the end!
They already are...