This learning curve is nearly impossible to escape, unless you join the space with a strong background in Austrian economics/monetary history.
"Crypto" will be studied for generations as a masterclass in mass-scale affinity scamming. They've truly nailed the potent combination of:
a) Setting up shop in the right place at the right time, I.E. a world that's extremely unfair in so many areas due to the centralization of fiat power
b) Crafting a story that to the uneducated mind sounds like the perfect solution, which can be plugged into any of the aforementioned fiat problems that are in reality just downstream results of broken money ("just decentralize everything!")
c) Marketing like mad to those who are passionate about solving said problems, but haven't done enough due diligence to discover that none of these unregistered securities will actually fix anything at scale--blockchains are just inefficient databases, and only #Bitcoin solves the problem of fiat at its core as it supplants fiat money itself
While it's extremely unfortunate to see so many well-meaning, passionate, otherwise sharp minds being wasted away in the cryptoblockchain jungle, for many, going through the altcoin phase before reaching #BTC enlightenment is a rite of passage.
As I've shared in the past, I went through this myself, and it's probably safe to say that if I wouldn't have, I may not be as passionate of a Bitcoin advocate today.
Nevertheless, there is now more than enough books, podcasts, video series, etc. available to ensure that anyone out there, regardless of skill level, can learn Why Bitcoin Only and not the rest, right out of the gate.
There is no more time to give "crypto" the benefit of the doubt because "at least it will lead more people to Bitcoin eventually." No. There are now more than enough resources available to help newbies learn Bitcoin FIRST, and skip the phase of wasting years of time and money on useless scam tokens.
If you are new to the space, or still on the fence about whether there are other cryptocurrencies worth researching, pin to your browser and start grinding your way through the content. It contains a wealth of information by the best educators in the space, and will help you learn the most important lessons very quickly, which many of us had to learn the hard way.
Get digging! Putting in the #ProofOfWork on understanding the differences between #Bitcoin and #Crypto today will yield mindblowing results for your future, I assure you 🍊💊🤯
I never did shitcoining. NEVER ever. I started in 2012 reading Bitcoin whitepaper and I never went on shitcoins, trading and crap like that.
For me was just a flat line: BITCOIN ONLY