Those are both super cool projects. Definitely with more moral virtue than thorbuys, but not everyone will be able to have the luxury to live those ideals right? So are you saying that people shouldn't try to make a living with bitcoin, like doing dropshipping, or porn, or things that even whisper of FIAT. If it cant be "better", if it isn't a "Bitcoin Beach" 3D printed and built at-home project, or grown-at-home coffee beans it really shouldn't be done at all. Better to let that stuff stay fiat. Not trying to put words in your mouth, just seems like the train of thought.
My mom, learned how to do resin art off of YouTube videos. Just look at all the shops on Etsy. Now yes, the materials are currently still sold in FIAT and that's the stage of things we're in right now. But there's a difference between drop shipping (taking an order in from your store, taking a cut and putting the order and shipping information into a different store. ) and Etsy essentially
What I'm trying to say is, we can do so much better. We have the ability, if we're willing, to form businesses around each other, to find the best ways to serve one another. I've seen too many quick and dirty drop shipping sites and they just don't seem to do much in terms of adoption or a circular economy.
I'm definitely not saying don't try. What I am saying, is try. Try and fail and try and fail over and over until somethings sticks,
We would love to show your mom how to sell her resin art for Bitcoin on Lightning on her own website with WooCommerce.