I've just added a low effort post onto our Bitcoin sub - I've plowed the sats back into SN rather than myself - but it got me thinking...
Would it be possible to automatically notify original creators whenever any of their work is put up on Stacker News?
It would be great on many levels: we might get the original mind behind the post joining SN and joining in with the discussion and SN would get more publicity and members. Thirdly, the original creator could get a percentage of the zapped sats.
There could be negatives - we might get companies asking copyrighted stuff to be pulled - unless there's a work around.
Do any of our Devs know whether this could be at all possible?
This could be part of @kr's stack sats, not likes marketing strategy. Focus on individual creators. This could be a function undertaken by the SN twitter and nostr accounts. youtube accounts. Anytime a link is shared the SN accounts @ the creator.
Basic Message: Stack Sats, Not Likes "Your work is being shared on Stacker News. Join the community, earn sats." Link to signup
If this works you could even consider incentivizing popular content creators on other platforms to sign up for an account and get them started with 20k sats.
interesting idea!
That sounds good. I like it.
Trackbacks were kinda thing 15-20 years ago in blogging, but looks they have went out of fashion nowadays.
Ah, that's what I was thinking!