This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
i drew my first digital art with a wacom tablet tonight :)
Starting to work on multiple auth methods for a single account.
thirdsies :) woke up today feeling blessed now onto the books,podcasts, and interviews haha and of course creeping on stacker news seeing what all I've missed what I should look at etc. ahh so nice to have basically a Bitdevs at your fingertips!
Not sure today is today still, says yesterday, but I'm on UTC+8 so, should be still. Just had a clam day atemding to node and learning a few points about htlcs, forced closes and cltv settings for lnd.
Drinking a beer now, it's a rare treat. Thinking how I can apply myself to something more meaningful than my day job. It's not so bad, just get too many good vibes from bitcoin fam.
Been meaning to say hi on SN TG! So, say here.. may take time
I just wanted to be the first today :)
There should be a badge!