I don’t think enough people see this for what it is. A Digital Iron Curtain is gradually descending over the West.
  • It’s the FedNow quasi-CBDC
  • It’s the 87000 agents
  • It’s stepped up financial surveillance
  • It’s attacks on every exchange
  • It’s expanded civil forfeiture
All of this is against the backdrop of sovereign debt crisis, commercial real estate collapse, and a historical crash in bond prices. Basically, the US is bankrupt many times over, Western central banks themselves need bailouts, and DC is making it ever harder to exit to crypto.
So if you’re caught on the blue side when the music stops, there’s a scenario where everything you own will be seized to pay the state’s unpayable debts. Just like the countless examples of financial repression and communist wealth seizure that happened in the 20th century, which Dalio among others has tabulated.
Yeah, I know, many don’t think it can happen. Despite massive fires burning down freeways, mobs surrounding cars, open air drug dealing, soaring prices and feces, rampant looting and criminality…somehow it doesn’t register with them and they still think it’s the 1950s or something.
They’re caught in the illusion of Barbie rather than the reality of BLM. They haven’t thought through how nasty these mobs will get when the money runs out. They don’t know what the early Soviet era was like, the combination of anarchy and tyranny, of total lawlessness and lawless seizure.
For everyone else who has some inkling of what may come, they’ll need to choose which side of that Digital Iron Curtain they land up on. Red states are probably better than blue. And foreign states are probably safer than red. A good rule of thumb is to be as far away financially, physically, and socially from bankrupt Blue America as possible.
Because if 2008 was about bank bailouts, soon we’re going to see central bank bailouts. Reverse bailouts, where your currency is debased to bail out the government. QE wasn’t free.
by Balajis