The way you put it makes me think there's cycles within cycles: the macro cycle that I described, and the micro-cycles you described within the hearts of each [pre] bitcoiner. Like epicycles, maybe, that interact in complex ways with the larger rhythms of the world.
I may try and find data to support my argument but I would take the opposite opinion and argue that adoption would be slower without these boom and busy cycles.
I didn't mean to imply otherwise -- I, too, think the cycles are probably, on net, accelerents of global adoption. I think of it like dandelions: there's some accrual, then someone stomps on the dandelion, and the seeds go airborne. There's a period where it looks like all is ruined, but a bunch of the seeds take root, and now there are twenty dandelions.
Exactly. In time terms, we’re probably looking at 4 year cycles within a 16 year cycle, within a ~80 year cycle. But as we layer technologies on top of one another, the cycles for new technologies arguably get shorter in length.
Perhaps previously those would have been 8 year cycles within a 32 year cycle (for example: for gold that’s likely more accurate).
And in the future we’ll have adoption cycles that look like yearly cycles within a 4 year macro cycle.
In some ways I don’t think we are prepared for the pace of innovation to come in the future. Either we go back to cavemen living in the wilderness and are set back a century…or we start operating and innovating at a new level of productivity. A step-change. It’s only natural in that latter scenario for us to draw the conclusion that cycles get compressed if productivity gains also do drastically.
It's interesting to think about decreasing micro cycle times by the resources that are available.
In 2010 there were certain resources, certain ideas dominate the narrative; certain amount of ambient flow of discussion is happening. In 2023 all of these are profoundly different -- it's one thing to assemble your understanding from bitcointalk, it's another to hear it being discussed publicly, as part of his platform, by a Presidential candidate. The elements of btc understanding start with very different intellectual and cultural capital formations.
This evolution in the ideaspace seems super important. I bet it radically changes the aspects of the micro-cycles within a single person.