Really interesting article published in Wired Magazine back in 1994. I love this quote at the beginning:
The killer application for electronic networks isn't video-on-demand. It's going to hit you where it really matters - in your wallet. Digital cash, e-money, bit bucks...whatever you call it, not only will it revolutionize the Net, it will change the global economy.
I know the article is really long, but I find it enjoyable reading about the pre-bitcoin work that led up to it. There is a great discussion of David Chaum and his work. I guess he was referred to as "The Digital Money Man."
If you can't invest the time to read the whole thing, I think it's worth a skim.
So, a thirty year old article referencing a (nearly) twenty year old song in the process.
Thanks so much for making me feel doubly old this morn...
You should feel like you're well-seasoned and have useful perspective to offer that is sorely needed in these dark hours.
Well seasoned = salt & pepper like my beard ✔️
I hate to make us both feel old, but that's originally a Motown song from the 1960s.
Shut the fffridge door!
Many people do not realize the origins of bitcoin. They think it came out of nowhere. Like it was some brand new thing vs. the reality. It is the combination of many ideas and technologies never before combined together. With rules coming from an Austrian Economic understanding of the world. When that clicked for me I was all in.