Lyn Alden is a great thinker and writer. On NOSTR she's sharing some of her best work that isn't being shared with her paid subscribers because she's not trying to reach a certain audience.
When scrolling through my NOSTR feed I have to shut down all distractions and read what she has to say. It's good. Really good.
As for Microstrategy she's letting on that Bitcoin isn't just part of the plan. It's the plan that gives this stock value that can't be faked.
Microstrategy is basically a levered long bitcoin ETF. I'm pretty sure Michael Saylor has stated that they borrow against their stock to acquire more bitcoin.
It will be interesting looking at what Microstrategy will do as one of the largest holders of Bitcoin. As the buying power increases there may be a certain point where circulation isn't even necessary. Then there may be settlement jubilee. Miners just waiting for the next one transaction as reward and the reward may be so small by competition that just have the few sats or even 1 sat will be a great honor.
It will be an inverse of everything. Game theory gone wild. I can already see where I can do business with certain other people and we just like each other and we not and smile by giving and holding is our reward. Poof!
It will be Deep Thought announcing, "42" (sats).
Be aware of who really is M. Saylor... a fiat statist. M.Saylor without the state and fiat could not make money.
Michael Saylor said very clear: he will buy all bitcoins available, will HODL them and later will lend to all poor guys a shitcoin fiat, usin bitcoin as collateral. In plain sight you have the new banksters and billionaires plan: to enslave you again in debt. If you still do not understand that, means that humanity deserve to be forever enslaved by few… History is repeated again and again, people giving their money to the banksters in exchange for IOUs. Stop giving your bitcoin to Saylor, stop supporting his megalomaniac ideas. Do you see him ever going to buy groceries with his bitcoin? No Do you see him paying his employees with bitcoin? No HE IS NOT A BITCOINER AS MANY THINK !
Watch and pay attention to his words from this old interview
When it comes to the occult and deep state names are irrelevant. If you look at the map of Washington DC there is no mistake that the owl has Congress in it's belly.
With that being said, I'm pretty sure he's a spook. But, it doesn't matter. His Bitcoin is only as valuable as it's circulation. He could be an attack on Bitcoin. It doesn't matter.
He's also changed his mind a few times and he's admitted when he thought differently.
I didn't live in the lives of other men. I did want to highlight Lynn's work. She is brilliant.
People are generally stupid. But they are also very brilliant in other ways. Slaves will be slaves. Larken Rose does a great job pointing this out. The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass illustrates this.
We might not need money at all! Maybe we just need a ledger that only accepts work as proof. He can have all the Bitcoin he wants. Anyone can. Eventually he will have to use it. He will have to move it. He will have to even lose it. It doesn't matter.
He's just a personality. He's very smart and I enjoyed listening to him via Robert Breedlove's show. I like smart people. I don't have to agree with them. What the real problem is that people don't understand the money is (Mon eye) is an occult talisman and it's brainwashing at is finest. The all seeing eye on the back of the dollar is the eye of Horis. The obelisk is the Washington Monument which is the Horis penis. It's placed at the top of the pyramid in street view. It's between the Lincoln Monument where Lincoln has two Fascii under his hands. One hand is government (Gubern Mentis) and the other is Religion ( Re Ligare).
Bitcoin Genesis Block is an attack on the dark Occult. Satoshi (Sat Sanskrit for truth) Nakamoto (from the book).
Our language is the time chain.