Off topic but I just noticed a drastic reduction in available brands on my bitcoin company app. All the cards I was buying, gone. No gas, no grocery, no home depot, no walmart.
Wondering if you this is just an issue in Canada. Has there been a change to what gift cards are available in the US?
I emailed them to inquire.
I think it must be a Canadian thing. I just double checked. Nothing I use is missing, and merchants I never noticed before are still on there. Please keep me poated.
Ok just us second class citizens in Canada. Haha.
My wife has a US phone and uses her sister's address for any US correspondence. I signed up for a strike account using her US phone and info when we were in the US for a couple months last year but haven't used it since.
We were planning to spend a few months a year in the US every year and maybe rent our place out for ski season(I could cover my mortgage for the entire year doing that) but we haven't bought a property down south and her nephew invoked squatters rights on her dad's house where we had planned to stay so we are homeless when we stay in the US now.
I guess I can try Bitcoin Co. app on her US phone. I just wonder if the gift cards will be useable in Canada. It also wouldn't solve my gas and grocery dilemma as we have different chains. I could still get walmart and home depot cards though. Maybe I will do a test and get a 10 dollar US card and see if it works in Canada.
I'm curious to find out if that plan works.
I will wait to see what their response is first. Could be as simple as they are switching partners in Canada or something. I am sure they don't have deals with these brands individually, it must be some service they use.
Correspondence could have been better though. Give me a notification when I open the app. These brands will be unavailable or delisted as of such and such date. Then I would have loaded up on the ones I want or bought the international Visa cards they recently had a 3% back deal on.
I just remembered that these guys work in the same bitdev space as @k00b and @Car, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe they can get you an answer.
I don't see @ben very regularly
@benthecarman might be able to alert him though
Yeah this is a bug. One of the gift card providers rolled out an update that broke a bunch of stuff. Should be fixed soon hopefully
Awesome. Thanks for the update.