Since I am betting that I will make it, you have to bet against (or find someone else to bet against) if you want to bet with real sats.
but I want you to make it on time too, otherwise no more @ekzyis here 🧐 I care less about 10k sats 😂😂😂
The MVP makes exactly these trades easier. Will only work for questions which can be answered with YES or NO for now however.
I see, maybe this also could be a way to encourage people get things done, like this
I see, maybe this also could be a way to encourage people get things done, like this
Ahh, didn't know this site, interesting! And yes, exactly, "game-able" prediction markets can be used as incentives
I basically did what does with @shurikencutter as my supervisor: I told him I'd pay him 50€ if I don't release my MVP in November. He can pay me a single symbolic sat if I win. But as history has shown, that didn't work. So I have to pay him 50€ now lol - btw, we can make it 150k sats :)
But I like thinking about this value aspect: Why didn't I say 100€? Or why not 25€? You really start questioning your own confidence when you're putting money on the line. So 50€ felt appropriate. Not too much to lose, not too little to lose.