Very interesting. Would you do any study if the pay is right, or are you picky, in terms of avoiding negative health outcomes for youself?
Do you see a lot of evidence of sponsorship/affiliations corrupting the outcome/design of studies? For instance, someone just sent me a reference to this study: Identical twins tried plant-based and omnivore diets — the vegans were biologically younger and healthier in just 8 weeks I looked at the original study ( One of the author affiliations is the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. So I'm assuming it's a leftist/pro-vegan slant.
Interesting. Well, people, including myself at times, do feel discouraged to report any side effects for fear of being discharged from a study prematurely and without the full stipend. If I get the sense from the study doctor that this could be a potential outcome, I won't report any side effects unless it's severe enough to almost require medical care.