Bitcoiners don't have a good understanding of generalizing. I'm kinda kidding because just saying "bitcoiners" do/do not x is generalizing. We are a diverse group but not as diverse as the rest of the world. There are certain common patterns you see with bitcoiners.
My theory about some of the things you listed is that most of these are somewhat heterodoxical views. I think many of us were already comfortable with having views that aren't on the index card of allowable opinion before bitcoin. But there is something that happens to a person when you learn that the majority of people are wrong about one thing. And then another. And then another. You start to break out from the training to trust institutions and you start questioning things most people just assume are as firm as bedrock.
The challenge is to not go overboard to the other extreme and believe every alternate view just because it is opposed to the orthodoxy. I saw a lot of this during the pandemic. People questioning narratives that had tons of holes in them but then accepting theories that had very little basis in evidence or fact. Some were literally just some dude online suggesting something might be the case.
Many times family would send me a video and I'd look at it and research for many 30 minutes and find out... yeah this is nonsense. So they were exchanging their trusted sources. Moving from the institutions that had been lying to individuals obviously seeking fame by sensationalizing and capitalizing on the opportunities. Seek to be a curious skeptic not a crackpot.
Overall, I don't see bitcoiners on the whole as having issues with these things. Its the opposite. Most of the issues if you want to call them that are with influencers seeking fame and attention. The systems reward sensationalizing over rationality. I'd rather see more questioning than more sheepish behavior. The latter is what leads to a nation of people going along with genocide. The rise of monsters that lead the masses.
Great great way of explaining it all, thanks kep. There certainly is some kinda shift that takes place once you come to understand that large groups of people are wrong about certain things. But you are right, it’s perhaps the inverse that people tend to come to bitcoin already with this sort of mindset, hence how they liekly found bitcoin in the first place
Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place. The law states the following:
The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it
Yep. Makes sense.