I had access to a 1950s kids encyclopedia when I was growing up with the world's children illustrated in their National dress. The boy from Germany looked just like you in your image.
Can I ask how the lederhosen has kept in your culture - has it's popularity waxed and waned, it's practicality, when you'd see it most being worn (I'm guessing Oktoberfest) and importantly are there any lederhosen-wearing horse-riding 'cowboys'?
The traditional Bavarian attire, the Lederhose, is these days only worn on special occasions. However, in rural areas, it's not uncommon to see people wearing Lederhosen on Sundays, especially after church, when they go to local taverns for a meal.
In the past, it was also common to carry a 'Hirschfänger,' a small knife, with a dedicated sheath sewn into the trousers. Regulations now prohibit carrying such knives in public or at events.
No Lederhosen-wearing horse-riding cowboys haha :)
If there's no Hirschfänger pockets anymore you could start a trend and keep your mobile in it...
...or better still, keep a hidden NFC lightning payment card.
I'm not sure if Bavarians really slap your thighs (my knowledge is limited) - but you could update the tradition and slap a shops Point of Sale device on it when you want to pay instead.
A brilliant idea! :D I should talk to Lederhosen manufacturers. The pocket, which is still stitched on but isn't allowed to be equipped with a knife, is still present, but it might need resizing haha ours doesn't fit in.
Deine Schumacher ist dein freund.
Sorry if I've just put international relations back a decade. (Mein gramatisch ist sehr krank... As you can tell)