Neat..!! Here we go:



Summary of What You’re Building:
My goal is to use my development skills for Nostr related projects. I'm familiar with building things for the web with PHP, Drupal, Symfony, JavaScript, Vue / Nuxt. Besides webdevelopment my expierence goes broader with interaction design (I'm a graduated interaction designer) and helping / advising people / businesses as a tech consultant how to achieve ambitious digital goals with the right set of digital tools.
What Kind of Help Are You Looking For?
I could be your Nostr related co-founder or building partner. You can help me out providing a challenge or problem which have to be resolved.
Building up a sustainable Nostr business. I believe any contribution to Nostr can have in potential an exponential benefit for all people. At this moment I'm looking for ways how to contribute to Nostr on the long-term. I'm doing this now on my own with technical research, building useful tools and sharing my learnings in public.

We can fix the web with Nostr, so the main goal on the long term is to make Nostr mainstream as a protocol for many applications.

How to Contact You: