You and @antic have done more to balm my wounded soul than has happened in a long time. Thanks :)
Wow @siggy47, you were really onto something with asking dumb questions in public!
To the point about asking dumb questions in public, I actually consider this one of my superpowers as an academic. Most of my colleagues seem to live in dread terror of appearing to not know something and the result is not learning a lot of new stuff or correcting their misconceptions.
Even when I've changed research fields, I feel like I surpass the baseline knowledge of most of the established experts pretty quickly, because I just ask every dumbass question that pops into my head (within reason).
Very true. It's the not always easy ability to let your guard down and ignore your own insecurities. What invariably happens to me in a bitcoin setting is this: I'm not a coder and will ask what I know is a dumb, basic technical question, and suddenly two experts will begin arguing between themselves about the answer. That always soothes my fragile ego.
It's a good ethos. I do the same thing IRL and have enjoyed similar benefits. Surprising extra benefit: other people love it when you do this and they gravitate toward you, presumably as some kind of authenticity signal.
Massively under-valued social skill, as long as you really mean it.
Dumb questions come naturally to me.