I saw the sats/$ conversion at the top of the site and it got me thinking. To my mind that's a much nicer way to do a fiat comparison. I know 1btc = 1btc but I'm still grappling with valuing 'stuff' in btc because I'm entrenched in a lifetime of prices being in fiat.
Anyway, it led to me to this chart:
Which is obviously basically an inverted reflection of the normal number go up chart.
I liked seeing it like that. A satoshi to dollar comparison is simple to understand and as a bitcoin become more and more out of reach for so many a sat becomes more practical as a reference point (for old people like me).
Given the way inflation has gone up and the dollar dropping in value means that this parity point might come sooner rather than later. Then you think, well, what happens when it crosses over that 'event horizon' and enters a period where it's worth more than a dollar? hyperbitcoinization?
Hodl onto those sats guys.
I think @orthwyrm should really celebrate when 1 sat =$.01
Definitely the next major milestone after $100k.
Yeah I guess moving the decimal place is ok :-)
let's go baby!
That's called in Bitcoin terms as Moscow Time: https://thebitcoinmanual.com/btc-culture/glossary/moscow-time/
That's brilliant! I'll catch up in the end :)
1 Sat = 1 Sat
My standard upvote is turning into substantial money...
Great story to tell the great grand kids though!
Yep, Moscow Time is a perfect way to measure the downfall of fiat. Just google 'moscow time dorsey' for a good laugh though.
Thanks for sharing. Anyway to change the Fiat currency?
Just checked, I don't think so. There's probably others though. This one you can punch in the values and swap the currency: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/satoshis-vision/gbp