pull down to refresh

What if the transactions are not in the mempool?
Then your channel close tx was already dropped by most mempools. Try to close it again.
That ship has left is port. It's been almost a year now. I just have my lightning node with a UTXO of 40,000b data with zero confirmation.
The others are still available via mempool.
I can only admit that I'm not so smart and that the guy in the mirror is my enemy sometimes.
I'm not an expert either. Can you share more information? So the channel you closed ended up in a 40k sats UTXO with zero confirmations? If this tx is not on any node's ledger or mempool (check mempool.space), it didn't go through I would think. Are you using Raspiblitz or Umbrel or other?
I'm using start 9 with CPN
I would reach out for support:
I have in the past. They are very good. I've just been very busy with life, work and staying sane. I'm going to try some stuff this weekend when I can focus better.