Are you guys familiar with the Hero of Bitcoin game that a pixel artist is building for gameboy?
Not until just now... thanks, will have a look at it.
Yes, that's it. I learned of it through geyser as well and donated to his fund. He has been working on it for a couple years now.
The latest entry seems to date from May 2023... I wonder if he's still working on it.
He has released a demo version. I think the full release will be done next year.
First games ever was on some Soviet era computers, don't remember exactly.
First big hit on PC for me personally was Prince of Persia.
Prince of Persia was awesome.. probably my first pc game. Found a glitch on the first level to pass without the sword. Had older games on spectrum but not memorable
Yes, you can finish first level without that first fight. Time was important there. Have you finished it? I did, few times, but took some time to manage that.
No, never finished. Always got stuck somewhere.. Shit was not easy..
Hah, that sound as you hit the spikes.
krsh... taaa da daa ...
also, I appreciate the username @486DX2, I'm happy for you that you have a co-processor... :)
The brutal truth is that I only actually had an SX25... I never got the 66mhz beast I really wanted and clearly, I never got over it.
DX2 66 MHz wasn't the real beast, DX4 100 Mhz was! :)
For SX25 I would not even switch to 486, had AMD Am386 40 MHz (fastest 386, Intel only had 33 MHz) with external FPU (don't remember what was the manufacturer of that, some other company IIRC) before.
Ahhh but I was coming from a 286 10mhz and probably got sucked in by the 486 hype. I do now to seem to remember those meaty 386s. Good times.
"My" first PC (actually my mothers, but I had some hours per day access to it) had AMD Am286 14 MHz CPU (again, fastest Intel 286 was 12 MHz), it was in mid-1990s (we weren't rich, so all 386, 486, Pentiums come to me with some delay later).
I feel the pain! :) I managed to get Pentium 1 75MHz for Socket 4 and it was overheating...
Pre proper cooling tech eh? I think there were even clip-on co processors weren't there? Cyrix rings a bell?
It was long time ago, but I think 75 MHz Pentium even could more or less work without a heatsink at all.
This is still one of my favorites. My family and I play the new one on switch and sometimes they can beat me. No way on the OG.
Mine was Frogger 🐸 ——
Unrelated and before my time but I’m sure you lot will appreciate this video and the engineering inside. The Slow Mo Guys are awesome. Happen to know them quite well:
Maniac Mansion, played in the 80s on a C64
Jeff Minter's Attack of the Mutant Camels C64.
Original Super Mario Bros on Nintendo. My mom gave it to me with a new Nintendo for my 7th birthday. I rarely got to play for the first couple years because my dad was obsessed. His goal was to beat the whole game, no warps, no deaths. Not sure if he ever made it. 🤙
Nebulus on Atari ST 🐸
My first ones were 4 color CGA games on 286 MS-DOS :)
Have spent a lot of hours on this one as kid! Also, one of the games my mother loved too (because of cats).
levels' music still playing in my ears
Legend of Zelda, one of the best games
Still one of the best of all time. That's why BOTW is so amazing. I feel like it captures that same open spirit.
If it's because of his open style of play, he's good. You can finish it in a linear way or play it extensively with its side quests. I think I've played all the zelda games without fear of making mistakes
Contra was the first one that got me hooked and I wouldn't leave my friend's house just to play it.
Donkey Kong Country
Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Does the original Pong count, before the incredible "hockey" upgrade?
Mortal Kombat 3 for me, finish him!!
Dizzy Egg
That music, still gives me chills!
My childhood entertained by pepsi man. Remembering how big the company used to be untill they have their own game. But yeah, at least they’ve inspired temple run and subway surfers.
The NeverHood, it was the only adventure game I ever enjoyed.
It's a wonderful game that I still play to this day.
zaxxon was my first game ever, but i was really just shooting while my dad steered. legend of zelda was probably the first game i played by myself, and i've loved the franchise ever since. just finished tears of the kingdom last week
North and South NHL 91 Boulderdash
The Labyrinth of Time
Not sure which came first.. Either Lemmings on the family's PC, or Super Mario Bros.
Eco Quest was the first game I played on PC. I remember it came on something like 6 floppy disks. Good times