Your collection of resources is commendable, emphasizing a hands-on, interactive approach. To enhance the educational journey of the students at the university, consider the following resources I have come up with:
  1. Real-World Use Cases:
    • Blockchain Use Cases: Blockgeeks offers a comprehensive guide to various blockchain use cases across industries, providing practical examples for students to explore.
  2. Security Best Practices:
    • - Securing Your Wallet: Direct students to the official guide on securing wallets, offering practical tips and best practices for ensuring the safety of digital assets.
  3. Blockchain Developer Tools:
    • Remix: Remix is an open-source web and desktop application that helps users write, deploy, and debug Ethereum smart contracts.
    • Truffle Suite: Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum, making it easier for developers to work with the Ethereum blockchain.
  4. Community Engagement:
    • Stack Exchange - Bitcoin: Stack Exchange's Bitcoin community is an excellent resource for technical Q&A, providing a platform for students to seek and share knowledge.
I hope these resources complement your existing collection. I can shill more if you need me to do that :)
Just deliver sir, I'm taking it all