See, this is a great example of the points made in my post. instead of debating the substance of the claims, you guys just name call and throw ad hominem attacks at people who don't believe exactly like you do. That my friends is what cults do. As stated above, of Satoshi hadn't have ghosted all of us, you guys would have turned him into a cult leader and he wanted nothing to do with it. He knew.
Darth you must have some really bad demons man, and I truly feel bad for you in a way. It's fine to believe what you want, but to treat anyone that doesn't agree with you like scum and just throw insults and attacks at them shows that you must be struggling.
You should be trying to show love and kindness to bring people into Bitcoin instead of pushing them away by just attacking them.
Funny, the Christians do the same thing, and they're pretty much a cult too even though Christ was a brown skinned refugee that preached love and kindness and hung out with the least of these on a daily basis.
Darth, why are you so against substantive debate? Why do you just attack and attack instead of arguing back and showing people the benefits and why Bitcoin is what you think it is. You're not bringing people in by using this model. This is honestly another reason why Bitcoin will never be a payment method like fiat, because you maxi's are ALL LIKE THIS. And by doing so you're pushing more and more people away.
This is why Satoshi went ghost though. This, right here. He knew you all would become just like you have and wanted absolutely nothing to do with it because he himself didn't have these qualities that you guys have.
Hell, what if Satoshi was a woman? I bet you guys would lose your fucking minds wouldn't you?
I do not talk with shitcoiners. I only flag them.