Thanks for coming clean!
Would a "mark as read" feature help the problem you are trying to solve? Open to all kinds of suggestions on ways we can help. Other users have said they do the same thing.
Could add the show/hide button like those you have for comments.
Yep, that's an idea. It'd be a consistent UX too which is nice.
depending on how its done i dont think i will be using this because threads that have been already read is nice to still track the number of comments in case one of them blows up
that sounds like a good idea am concerned that it might potentially clutter the interface if there is a checkbox next to each thread with "mark as read".
in that case maybe the option could come up in the dialog box when you long press the upvote and if checked the icon will turn orange or maybe if we had to double click in order to upvote so the first click is just you marking it as read but the second click gives a sat or whichever your default is. or something even better :) doesn't have to be perfect i guess
Yes. Mark as read