my weekend sleep cycles continue chaotically. Weather permitting (we had a storm Friday which seemed to let up Saturday) tomorrow marks bitcoin brunch #54 or 55 in Miami. I have yet to write the essay, though I think I had an extra one written for this occasion.
When many new users join SN and there isn't enough great content on the board, all sorts of random user bios get upvoted to the top of the page.
Yesterday there was a time when 3 of the top 6 posts were people's bios.
I think the original idea for implementing this was to make it known that Stacker News was getting lots of new users, but now I feel like tides have turned.
Tons of people are already talking about Stacker News in the Bitcoin community, and many are very aware of the fast growth rate the site is seeing.
My suggestion would be to remove the ability for bios to rank on the main feed, I think it will improve the signal on the board.
Like a post that has as the link, which occurred because after submitting, that post was no longer wanted (so the link gets changed, before the 10 minute edit window has passed). And there's no way to delete a post.
But then after a 1 sat tip, that post then shows on the "front page" (when there's few other upvotes.)
Time to come clean i guess. I have been upvoting almost every submission in the recent tab because it makes the icon orange and i can see if there is new submissions next time I visit because i havent upvoted it yet. I know it's kinda trashy but it works well for me.
Would a "mark as read" feature help the problem you are trying to solve? Open to all kinds of suggestions on ways we can help. Other users have said they do the same thing.
that sounds like a good idea am concerned that it might potentially clutter the interface if there is a checkbox next to each thread with "mark as read".
in that case maybe the option could come up in the dialog box when you long press the upvote and if checked the icon will turn orange or maybe if we had to double click in order to upvote so the first click is just you marking it as read but the second click gives a sat or whichever your default is. or something even better :) doesn't have to be perfect i guess