Change makes me uncomfortable, too.
I remember that even the change from the longer logo at the top left corner to the smaller logo of just "SN" triggered me, lol
Even though it was because we (or SN because I wasn't a part of SN yet?) needed more space for the new features. I think the feature was the dropdown for subs.
I'm not there yet. Trying to keep an open mind but so far that's the direction I'm leaning. Mostly noise.
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all it takes is one ditactor with the right tools, running those subs, to completely transform SN into reddit 2.0
the prerequisite is that we're not going to be mindful enough in giving access to such tools :)
and btw, even if, no. founders have to pay for the territory on here. the game theory is if a territory is not profitable (for whatever reason, for example because no one likes to participate in it anymore), the founders will have to pay out of their own pocket continuously to stay in power.
at some point, the "free market" should tell them they should give up and someone else should pick up the spot; reverting changes that have lead to the downfall of a territory.
at least that's the theory. but will it become practice?
My sats and time will tell!!
this is so badass. love it.