My first payment directly in BTC for a job done was in 2015. Then I start using Bitwage until 2018, when I start being paid directly in BTC by some clients.
End of 2018 I closed all the bank accounts (that were in my name) and start living only using BTC: paid in, spend in, hold in. No more fiat here.
Every bitcoiner should DEMAND to be paid in BTC.
This is the only way forward.
It might fuck up your opsec but i would consider paying you for an hour of consulting and q/a.. I'm right on the edge of doing something incredible (i think) and need bitcoiner minds to help me out... all my normie friends tune out when i tell them, and so it's hard to get them onboard to the idea
just read all my guides and you don't need to pay me for nothing... see my SN bio