Do you need help? We got a lot of do it yourself guides out there and that practice (even if you don't ultimately use it after setting it up) will help you understand self-custody in a way that you can't be rug pulled (no reliance on customer support, no reliance on company software updates, and full understanding of how to take care of yourself)
No, I’m good now. Thanks! But please do link your guides so others can benefit from them.
Also, sparrow actually shows you what all the parts of a Bitcoin wallet are (derivation path, xpub, script type, seed phrase) when you create wallets with it.
Also, I need to add this to the repo. We have wallets with bad entropy from time to time:
The instructions on GitHub for hardware wallets is fun to read.
The guide goes like: "How to assemble SeedSigner", while any other is: "How to rip off component X from device Y'. 🤣
Signing device companies keep putting wireless on their devices what else is there to say XD
They might be better off making custodial services instead of deceiving people, it would be clear what their true objective is...