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the US only claims DC and the territories. Why the hell are all the other americans obeying then? ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNF2ni2Mz3k
The US claims much more than that. You're interpreting the situation too legalistically. People in power don't care about what's written where, unless they think ignoring it is impractical.
They make you think they are in power, in fact they are in office. It's the "reverse trust scam", fear is the mind killer They are our little bitc..., khm servats And all they do is obeying peoples requests, nobody is holding a gun to your head when you identify as citizen
Good luck with the whole "you work for me" thing if you are ever at cross purposes with the regime. It's not true in any sense. They don't believe it and they will not act as though they believe it. You'll get farther thinking of them as a criminal enterprise and acting accordingly.
I'm not saying they are not criminal. I'm saying they do everything by the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse is a maxim in law
They don't even know what's in "the law", so they definitely don't do everything by the law.
try to look from their perspective. if people keep declaring themselves as slaves, why should they care, it's in their benefit