Hi stackers,
So a while back I came across a post on SN about how the Current nostr client evaded iOS App Store zaps ban policy. The post appeared shortly after the whole fiasco with Damus and zaps having to be removed.
I read the post and thought, good on the devs for finding a work-around, I’ll give this client a try… Well some time has passed now and thought I should write about my experience as a new Nostr user using Current.
After creating a key pair, I began using the app and nostr protocol, as one does. I’ve tried other clients since, and found I like those better, but Current is a unique client nonetheless. With that said, I find there to be some rather glaring problems with Current that are antithetical to a few of the core value propositions of the nostr protocol; enabling anonymous online free speech, minimizing client lock-in, and facilitating anonymous lightning payments.
Let me explain, you see after using Current to post notes on nostr for a while, I accumulated some sats in “my wallet” from some kind nostriches. Only later to discover through attempting to sweep that wallet to my own external wallet, that it is actually Currents wallet which they were only letting me use to accumulate sats but not actually use them in any way unless I KYC and sign up for monthly subscription called Current Amped.
Here I found myself thinking, they promoted their app as one defying Apple policies, yet they lock it down so similarly to how Apple does its iOS ecosystem, and require a subscription that can only be paid through in-app purchase effectively KYCing you to transact the sats you earned via nostr.
As mentioned I find that to be quite antithetical to the core values of nostr, and in my assessment makes Current the walled garden on nostr clients. Therefore I regret to say I can’t recommend this client to any would be nostr user.
My 2 sats.
Installed the app earlier this year, but has never worked:
With your review on Current I have deleted it 🤓
Hmm, thanks for sharing. I never experienced that issue in my brief time with it.
Possibly @starbuilder can provide some support and clear up some of these glaring issues.
Legitimate question…
What happens to the sats Current users earn on nostr while using Current, but don’t choose to KYC and sign up for Current Amped subscription? #rugpull