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When you look out into the wilder world and observe or at least think about other creatures, I believe that life for animals involves pursuit, purpose, curiosity and sacrifice. You could argue that we as humans have fallen into the trap of comfort in recent years, depriving ourselves of some natural values of ours in favour of efficiency.

What can we learn from nature?

  • Pursuit = Lions live the best quality of life, obtaining the best possible rank to get the best possible mate, to access the best food and are willing to put their lives on the line for all of these things. It's in their nature to reach the conclusion that otherwise it's not a life worth living.
  • Purpose = The urge to collaborate and build megastructures to serve a greater purpose. To work together in harmony to move great amounts of material (in the case of ants) or to create perfectly-sized honeycomb structures that offer the maximum amount of strength for the least amount of material to cover the space.
  • Curiosity = If you've seen videos about octopuses, in the wild or in experiments, they are in equal parts inquisitive, curious, devious & playful. They can build structures, edit their genetics and create synthetic camouflage skin on the fly. Often times they do it for fun, sometimes they plan far in advance to the detriment of efficiency. Furthermore, mother octopuses have been observed dying after bringing their eggs in the world, protecting them from predators at all costs without hunting for food during that time.
  • Sacrifice = Animals are willing to make sacrifices in order to preserve legacy and order. In the case of the lion sacrifice for himself, for the octopus for their offspring or in the above for bees and ants, to attack the queen if she is not working in the best interests of the colony.

Comment below...

What else do you think we as people can take from nature? Which one word would you use that aligns with us the most?
Resilience = Nature takes a beating over and over again, but still manages to outlast all of us. We can literally build a cement sheet of skyscrapers on top of a forest, but left unchecked that forest will engulf the city over time like nothing happened. What excuse do we have to not pick ourselves back up again??
Very true. In spite of having a stronger opponent, quite often will outlast it.
It’s also telling how plants share nutrients under the soil to others more vulnerable via their network of roots, to provide strength to stresses and ensure a healthy ecosystem.
It’s also telling how plants share nutrients under the soil to others more vulnerable via their network of roots, to provide strength to stresses and ensure a healthy ecosystem.
Sounds like Bitcoin lol
We are not separate from nature, we are nature. Humans separated themselves from nature because of their strong identity with their mind. The lack of space between them and their mind is the causing of most of suffering. By learning again how to quite our mind we may be able to be as calm as nature and find peace. Therefore, we may have again a balance with nature.
Well put. Too much noise, distracting us from our roots.
Unity. I greatly admire the unity of ants and their sense of community.
Ants will literally march themselves to death rather than break from the community. Perhaps another angle of wisdom in that
there is always somewhere bright, even during dark time, e.g.the dark age in Europe, while it was the Islamic golden age, same as Bitcoin land is thriving while fiat is dying.
Very true, quite literally light and dark is an inevitability for our planet.
A future idea I have for a post is the concept that the world will be divided into ‘The West’ and ‘The Wild West’ in the next century 😅Places of control vs defiance.
I’m sure many places will thrive like you say, from abundant resources and rich cultures.
We are nature learning from itself. Human conscience is just another feature developed by millions of years of evolution. And we're still far from being over. Even if we fail as a species, we're part of the same experimenting process. I think that instead of learning from nature, nature is learning from us.
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 9 Dec 2023
What can we learn from nature?
THC Psilocybin
Two great teachers..
DMT if you want an advanced lesson..
Read Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
To be a peace with oneself
Nature holds a lot of secrets that can be revealed only if you take part in it
Survival of the fittest. Animals, humans, businesses, and most of all currency!
That we are part of nature. (Well put by solis)
Always leave it better than you found it!
It's not that complicated, all forms of live out there are just trying to survive one more day. We are animals as well with the capacity of thinking ahead.
You are setting a view as humans in the center of the universe and everything else spinning around us. The universe is a place of destruction and creation. We are just a frozen accident inside, that in cosmic time born and disappear in the same second.
Feel and enjoy while you can
Teamwork. Animals like hyenas, lions, killer whales hunt in packs. By leaning on one another and working well together, they are often able to bring down prey larger and sometimes, faster than themselves.
Merry Christmas!
I believe the only things we can learn are those things that we learn in stillness in nature. It's the only thing that feels real to me.