In my previous chapters I discussed onboarding a family member to Bitcoin who is not a techy person, and is over 50. I think these discussions are vital if we are going to get a broader adoption of people to BTC; we have to think small. Before we get to self custody, and Lightning Nodes, we can help those who resonate with the signal to take first steps. This is where apps like Cashapp and Strike are so useful. Not only do the offer the ability to buy BTC, but have Lightning capability. And in the case of Strike, you can now purchase gift cards without leaving the app. This brings me to the issue of Lightning. This person has purchased BTC, downloaded a wallet, and is ready to self custody. The next things is to help them with Lightning. Blue Wallet has Lightning, but it's for more advanced users. So what would you think to use for someone who doesn't have advanced Bitcoin skills to get them both to custody and to access Lightning? On the one hand Cashapp already has it, so I could just tell her to use that as her debit account, and put her savings in storage (cold storage is coming). The other consideration something like Muun, although fees are an issue there. So given all this context I want to hear from some of you what you think are good solutions for a newbie with entry level skills. I'm working down here in the trenches getting old people in the game. I have a nearly 80 yr rollin hard with more BTC than me. So if you can't hang with getting grandma to Bitcoin you better move along. This conversation is for people who go hard.
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Let them break their neck first... I love when they always come back to my words. @ekzyis hate me because I am a better oracle 😂😂😂😂
Green and Zeus have A+ UI/UX
Cashapp for Lightning.
I would be more careful recommending that garbage...
And Cashapp? that is all you can do? LOL people really deserve to get rekt.