Why should any user of Bitcoins network wait because they can't afford to make a transaction?
The second half of your question seems like it answers the first
If you can't afford X, you can't obtain X. Defining X as "space in a soon-to-be-mined block" doesn't change that equation.
If that is the price a user has to pay for "using Bitcoin wrong" then we have serious problems that need addressed
What problem? It seems like a fair price to me. If Timmy obtained tiny utxos and now he can't spend them, that's no one's fault but Timmy's. Timmy shouldn't expect someone to fix his problems for him. He should learn from them so he doesn't make the same mistake again.
it is possible [to] permission and gate people from being able to use it
That does not follow if you define "use bitcoin" as "spend sufficiently large utxos." Timmy doesn't need permission to do that.
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I am talking about scenarios where the user can't and should not be expected to know very much about Bitcoin
  1. I don't think there is any situation where someone "can't" know that bitcoin has transaction fees of $60 or more.
  2. If you don't expect every bitcoin user to know that, consider revising your expectations.
there should be no situation where the user is told they cannot participate
If someone can't afford to use the base layer, it seems fine to tell them "you can't use the base layer."
There a so many things wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start. I’ll just say education and understanding are key.