My brother and I ended up getting a sega genesis for Christmas one year. We both actually wanted a snes. My best friend had one. I played his snes more than I played our genesis. I was hooked on Nintendo first party titles. And most of the ones you listed. Since then l, I have owned a few snes consoles and collected games off and on. I go through waves of nostalgia. The N64 was probably a bigger deal in my house since we actually had one growing up. But snes is one of the greatest of all time.
The SNES too was a major part of my childhood. I actually skipped the N64 and Game Cube because I got into PC gaming and stopped playing console games. I got back into Nintendo console when the Wii was released. I actually went and lined up overnight outside Best Buy with my friend to get one on release day, but that is a story for another day. Bought both the Wii U and the Switch; also own a DS Lite and a 3DS XL, basically a Nintendo fanboy.