Unpopular answer, because I know everyone here stans Bukele:
How did they pacify this country so fast? If you know anything about how this works, you know "more police" doesn't actually end crime, especially not in a few months, and especially not organized crime, where there are "slots", and if you arrest one, they'll fill the slot with another eager (literal) gangster. Police is just another bloated bureaucracy that helps itself first.
My Latin American friends tell me, this is as obvious as rain: they paid them off to withdraw and are clearly in bed with the mafias.
Who does a million dollar bitcoin visa help? Not us plebs...
I have no cooking clue about ES, but yeah it did sound a bit fishy man or PR'y for lack of a better word. I don't know man, I've seen so much shilling for the place it just put me off, if you have to sell me on it so hard what are you hiding?
I've seen some glowing stuff from people who visited, and some pragmatic takes from others, but I've yet to hear from the ordinary Joe citizens on what they think or see on the ground