Pro tip: Choosing a Linux-friendly PC to run your distro of choice will go a long way toward getting a great everyday Linux experience.
Try to avoid a machine with an Nvidia GPU. They generally do not have the best compatibility with Linux. I have heard that they are now ok if you run X instead of Wayland and manually install the proprietary drivers. However, X is less secure than Wayland and is in the process of being deprecated.
In general, laptops with all Intel hardware do really well with Linux. Especially business class Thinkpads.
AMD CPUs should be fine as well, and they have been really improving their open source GPU drivers lately as well.
As for distros, Ubuntu and Pop!_OS are usually recommended for beginners.
Debian and Fedora are really great distros, but maybe more for intermediate users. However, you can still start your Linux journey with them if you are willing to put in the time and effort to configure them properly for your needs.
Hm this may be part of the issue as I have an Nvidia GPU. Appreciate the advice. I've heard about Pop!OS (believe Seth for Privacy recommends it). Will have to give it a spin
PopOS is the only distro that doesn't shit itself on NVIDIA or hybrid graphics; if you have to get a PC with either, Pop is the only distro you can use.
Personally, I recommend any non-soyd distro (Devuan for Debian, Artix for Arch) if you can get through installation and are willing to deal with the growing pains of them.
got popOS installed this morning and it's running good so far! like the look of everything as well. appreciate the help